Photography & Video


We maintain an extensive library of photography and all images are copyright of Butler University. To use any photograph, users must agree to the following terms of usage:

  • Images are for non-commercial use only by Butler students, faculty, staff, friends of the University, and the media for non-commercial use. If you want to use a photo for commercial use, contact Marketing and Communications.
  • All images must be credited to Butler University.
  • Users may make minor cropping adjustments, but substantial alterations may be made only with the permission of Marketing and Communications.
  • The user agrees to be responsible for any claims or liability arising from copyright infringement or unauthorized use of material that may arise in a photo’s reproduction or use.

Butler faculty, staff, students, and members of the media can access a general collection of photos for their own use by visiting the University’s Photoshelter site. This link will take you to the Public selection of campus photos, available for your use. No login is needed.

In addition to supporting many of the University’s photography needs, we regularly schedule professional headshot sessions for faculty and staff. After headshots have been taken, our staff photographer, Zach Bolinger, will email your photo to you, ready to be uploaded to your Butler Directory profile. Follow these instructions to update your Butler Directory listing.

Please email with photography special requests and we will do our best to accommodate your needs.

If Taking Your Own Photos

With the convenience of mobile device photography, it’s easy to take your own photos or to collect photos shared by others. Be aware, however, whether planning to use photos in social media, on the website, or in a printed publication, of these guidelines for usage:

  • If a photo will be used for a commercial purpose, consent is required by individuals in the photo. Publishing the photo in any University publication, on the University website, or on one of Butler’s sanctioned social media sites would qualify as commercial purpose.
  • Members of Butler’s community (students, faculty, and staff) have consensually agreed during their hiring or registration to be photographed for the purpose of marketing the University.
  • When photographing people outside our University community (students, faculty, staff), consent to publish photography or video of an individual cannot be assumed. This is especially important regarding minors. Consent can only be official by the signing of a release form. Never publish a photo in print or electronically that features an individual who has not signed a consent form. Download the Model Release Form


The University’s Video Storyteller creates videos to market the University in institutional marketing materials, on the website, and in social media. Projects are aligned with the University’s enrollment goals, strategic priorities, and institutional marketing initiatives. It is not the role of marketing staff to capture photos or create videos that don’t serve a marketing function for the University or to capture photography/video to record events for archival purposes.

If you have a video project you’d like to request, please email

Butler University YouTube Channel

Butler’s Marketing and Communications video team produces videos for the University’s website and social media. Most often, they are uploaded to Butler’s YouTube channel. While these videos typically come from Marketing and Communications, the channel is not exclusive and welcomes videos from other sources if they meet standards of quality and integrity. M&C staff manages the channel and requests for uploads should be directed to

Please note: There are strict guidelines on YouTube regarding copyright. To avoid any copyright infringement, do not create video content using video or audio elements without express permission from the copyright holder.

For questions on classroom recording, please contact the IT Help Desk at